FOCUS ON - Lina Bo Bardi -
イタリア・ローマ生まれ。ジオ・ポンティのもとでキャリアを積み、アートディーラーであったピエトロ・マリア・バルディと結婚。その後、サンパウロ美術館の立ち上げのため招致された夫と共にブラジルへ渡り、サンパウロ美術館や、SESCポンペイアなど数々の名建築と家具作品をブラジルで手掛けました。2018年にイタリア・ミラノのNilufar Gallery が彼女にフィーチャーした展示を催した影響もあり、近年コレクター達からも大きな注目を集めています。
She was born in Rome, Italy and built her career under Gio Ponti. Pietro Maria Bardia, an art dealer, became her husband. Later on, she and her husband were invited to Brazil to establish the São Paulo Museum of Art (São Paulo Museum of Art) and worked on numerous renowned architectural and furniture projects in Brazil, including SESC Pompeia. Her work received significant attention from collectors in recent years, partly due to an exhibition featuring her at Nilufar Gallery in Milan, Italy in 2018.